900 Series: School and Community Relations

900 Series:  School and Community Relations
Policy Manual
Grinnell-Newburg School District

900       Principles and Objectives for Community Relations (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 5/08/13)
901       Public Examination of School District Records (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 7/11/18, revised: 4/24/24)
902.1     New Media Relations (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 5/08/13)
902.2     News Conferences and Interviews (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 5/08/13)
902.3     News Releases (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 7/11/18, revised: 4/24/24)
902.4     Live Broadcast of Videotaping (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 7/11/18, revised: 4/24/24)
903.1     School District- Community Groups (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 5/08/13)
903.2     Community Resource Persons and Volunteers (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/10/13, revised: 4/24/24)
903.3     Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 5/08/13)
903.4      Public Conduct on School Premises (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 7/11/18, revised: 4/24/24)
903.5      Distribution of Materials (approved: 9/14/16, reviewed: 7/11/18, revised: 4/24/24)
903.5Rl  Distribution of Materials Regulation (approved: 9/14/16, reviewed: 7/11/18 , revised: 4/24/24)
903.5El  Procedures for Virtual Backpack: Distribution of Materials by Outside Agencies (approved: 9/14/16, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: )
903.5E2  Procedures for Virtual Backpack: Distribution of Materials by Outside Agencies Approval Form (approved: 9/14/16, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: )
903.6      Naming of School District Facilities and Other Ways to Honor Individuals (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 5/08/13)
904.1      Transporting Students in Private Vehicles (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 7/11/18, revised: 4/24/24)
904.2      Advertising and Promotion (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 7/11/18)
904.3      Solicitation by or of Students (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 5/08/13)
905.1      Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 7/11/18, revised: 4/24/24)
905.1Rl   Facility Use Guidelines and Rental Fee Schedule (approved: 3/13/13, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: 7/11/18)
905.2       Tobacco-Free Environment (approved: 4/27/16, reviewed: 7/11/18 , revised: 4/24/24)
905.3       Weapons in the School District (approved: 4/24/24, revieweed:  , revised:  )
906           Unmanned Aircrafts - Drones (approved: 7/11/18, reviewed: 4/24/24, revised: )
907          District Operation During Public Emergencies (approved: 4/24/24, reviewed:  , revised:  )
907R1     District Operation During Public Emergencies Regulation  (approved: 4/24/24, reviewed:  , revised:  )

900 Principles and Objectives for Community Relations

Code No. 900


Successful education programs require the support of the school district community. The board addresses the importance of the role of the school district community in the school district in this series of the policy manual. The board recognizes this support is dependent on the school district community’s understanding of participation in the efforts, goals, problems and programs of the school district.

In this section, the board sets out its policies defining its relationship with the school district community. In striving to obtain the support of the school district community, the board will:

  • Provide access to school district records;
  • Inform the school district community of the school district’s goals, objectives, achievements, and needs;
  • Invite the input of the school district community; and,
  • Encourage cooperation between the school district and the school district community.

Approved: 3/13/2013

Reviewed: 4/24/2024

Revised: 5/08/2013
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

901 Public Examination of School District Records

Code No.  901


Public records of the school district may be viewed by the public during the regular business hours of the administration offices of the school district.

Persons wishing to view the school district's public records will contact the board secretary and make arrangements for the viewing.  The board secretary will make arrangements for viewing the records as soon as practicable, depending on the nature of the request.

Persons may request copies of public records by telephone or in writing, including electronically.  The school district may require pre-payment of the costs prior to copy and mailing.

Persons wanting copies may be assessed a reasonable fee for the copy.  Persons wanting compilation of information may be assessed a reasonable fee for the time of the employee to review and compile the requested information.  The district will make every effort to provide the public record requested at no cost other than copying costs for a record which takes less than thirty minutes to produce.

Costs for legal services utilized for the redaction or review of legally protected confidential information may also be assessed to the individual requesting the records.  Printing of materials for the public at the expense of the school district will only occur when the event is sponsored by the school district.

Pursuant to Iowa law, the board has determined certain records need to be confidential as their disclosure could jeopardize the safety of persons or property and include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Security procedures
  • Emergency preparedness procedures
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Security codes and passwords

It is the responsibility of the board secretary to maintain accurate and current records of the school district.  It is the responsibility of the board secretary to respond in a timely manner to requests for viewing and receiving public information of the school district.


NOTE:  This is a mandatory policy and is consistent with the Iowa public records law regarding access to, copying of and charging for copies of public records.  

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 21.4; 22.7; 291.6.

Cross Reference:          
215      Board of Directors' Records

215E1 Board of Directors' Records-Board Meeting Minutes
401.5   Employee Records
506      Student Records

506.1 Student Records Access

506.2 Student Directory Information

605.2 Instructional and Library Materials Inspection and Display
708      Care, Maintenance, and Disposal of School District Records
902.1   News Media Relations

Approved: 3/13/2013, Reviewed: 7/11/2018, Revised: 4/24/2024
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

902.1 News Media Relations

Code No.  902.1


The board recognizes and supports the value of open, fair and honest communication with the news media.  The board will maintain a cooperative relationship with the news media. As part of this cooperative relationship, the board and the media will develop a means for sharing information while respecting each party's limitations.

Members of the news media are encouraged and welcome to attend open board meetings.  The board president is the spokesperson for the board, and the superintendent is the spokesperson for the school district.  It is the responsibility of the board president and superintendent to respond to inquiries from the news media about the school district.

Members of the news media seeking information about the school district will direct their inquiries to the superintendent.  The superintendent will accurately and objectively provide the facts and board positions in response to inquiries from the news media about the school district. 

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 21.4; 22; 279.8 (2011).

Cross Reference:          
902      Press, Radio and Television News Media

Approved: 3/13/2013, Reviewed: 4/24/2024, Revised: 5/08/2013
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

902.2 News Conferences and Interviews

Code No.  902.2


The superintendent, on behalf of the board and the school district, may hold a news conference or respond to a request for an interview with the news media.

The superintendent will respond accurately, openly, honestly, and objectively to inquiries from the news media about the school district.

News conferences and interviews planned or pre-arranged for school district activities will include the board and the superintendent.  News conferences for issues requiring an immediate response may be held by the superintendent. It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether a news conference or interview is held to provide an immediate response to an issue.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to keep the board apprised of news conferences and interviews.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 21.4; 22; 279.8 (2011).

Cross Reference:        
902      Press, Radio and Television News Media

Approved: 3/13/2013, Reviewed: 4/24/2024, Revised: 5/08/2013
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

902.3 News Releases

Code No.  902.2


The superintendent, on behalf of the board and the school district, may hold a news conference or respond to a request for an interview with the news media.

The superintendent will respond accurately, openly, honestly, and objectively to inquiries from the news media about the school district.

News conferences and interviews planned or pre-arranged for school district activities will include the board and the superintendent.  News conferences for issues requiring an immediate response may be held by the superintendent. It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether a news conference or interview is held to provide an immediate response to an issue.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to keep the board apprised of news conferences and interviews.

Legal Reference:          
Widmer v. Reitzler, 182 N.W.2d 177 (Iowa 1970).
Dobrovolny v. Reinhardt, 173 N.W.2d 837 (Iowa 1970).
Iowa Code §§ 21.4; 22.2.


Approved: 3/13/2013

Reviewed: 7/11/2018

Revised: 4/24/2024
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

902.4 Live Broadcast or Videotaping

Code No.  902.4


Individuals may broadcast or record public school district events, including open board meetings, as long as it does not interfere with, or disrupt, the school district event and it does not create an undue burden in adapting the buildings and sites to accommodate the request.

It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether the request is unduly burdensome and whether the broadcast or recording will interfere with or disrupt the school district event.

Recording of classroom activities will be allowed at the discretion of the superintendent.  Parents will be notified prior to recording of classroom activities.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations outlining the procedures for making the request and the rules for operation if the request is granted.

NOTE:  This policy states that prior to recording of classroom activities, parents will be notified but does not require parental permission.  Notification is not a legal requirement, but it is recommended.  The policy gives the school district the flexibility to have one notice to cover the entire year and can be placed in the student directory info policy, a parent newsletter or handbook.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 21.4, .7; 22; 279.8, 21.7.

Cross Reference:          
506.2   Student Directory Information
902.1   News Media Relations
903.3   Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites

Approved: 3/13/13, Reviewed: 7/11/18, Revised: 4/24/2024
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.1 School District - Community Groups

Code No.  903.1


The board values the participation and the support of school district-community groups, including, but not limited to, the booster club and parent-teacher organizations, which strive for the betterment of the school district and the education program.  The board will work closely with these groups.

Prior to any purchase of, or fund raising for the purchase of goods or services for the school district, the group will confer with the superintendent to assist the group in purchasing goods or services to meet the school district's needs.

Funds raised by these groups for the school district may be kept as part of the accounts of the school district.

It is the responsibility of the building principal to be the liaison with the school district-community groups affiliated with the building principal's attendance center.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 291.13 (2011).

Cross Reference:          
903      Public Participation in the School District

Approved: 3/13/13

Reviewed: 4/24/24

Revised: 5/08/13
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.2 Community Recource Persons and Volunteers

Code No.  903.2


The board recognizes the valuable resource it has in the members of the school district community.  When possible and in concert with the education program, members of the school district community may be asked to make presentations to the students or to assist employees in duties other than teaching.  The school district may officially recognize the contributions made by volunteers.

Recruitment, training, utilization, and the maintenance of records for the purposes of insurance coverage and/or recognition of school district volunteers is the responsibility of the superintendent.

Volunteers within the district are held to the same high standards of behavior as school employees and unsupervised volunteers will be subject to background checks prior to interacting with the students in a volunteer capacity.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent or the superintendent's designee to create regulations necessary to carry out this policy.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 670 (2011).

Cross Reference:          
603.1   Basic Instruction Program
903.3   Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites

Approved: 3/13/13, Reviewed: 4/10/13, Revised: 4/24/24
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.3 Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites

Code No.  903.3


The board welcomes the interest of parents and other members of the school district community and invites them to visit the school buildings and sites.  Visitors, which include persons other than employees or students, must notify the principal, or designee, of their presence in the facility upon arrival.

Persons who wish to visit a classroom while school is in session are asked to notify the principal and obtain approval from the principal prior to the visit so appropriate arrangements can be made and so class disruption can be minimized.  Teachers and other employees will not take time from their duties to discuss matters with visitors.

Visitors will conduct themselves in a manner fitting to their age level and maturity and with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of others while attending school events.  Visitors failing to conduct themselves accordingly may be asked to leave the premises. Children who wish to visit school premises must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.

It is the responsibility of employees to report inappropriate conduct.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent and principals to take the action necessary to cease the inappropriate conduct.  If the superintendent or principals are not available, a school district employee will act to cease the inappropriate conduct.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 716.7 (2011).

Cross Reference:          
902      Press, Radio and Television News Media
903.2   Community Resource Persons and Volunteers

Approved: 3/13/1, Reviewed: 4/24/24, Revised: 5/08/13

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.4 Public Conduct on School Premises

Code No. 903.4


The board expects that students, employees and visitors will treat each other with respect, engage in responsible behavior, exercise self-discipline and model fairness, equity and respect.  Individuals violating this policy will be subject to discipline.  Students will be disciplined consistent with the student conduct policies. Employees will be disciplined consistent with employee discipline policies and laws.  Others will be subject to discipline according to this policy.  

Individuals are permitted to attend school sponsored or approved activities or visit school premises only as guests of the school district, and, as a condition, they must comply with the school district's rules and policies.  Individuals will not be allowed to interfere with or disrupt the education program or activity.  Visitors, like the participants, are expected to display mature, responsible behavior.  The failure of individuals to do so is not only disruptive but embarrassing to the students, the school district and the entire community.

To protect the rights of students to participate in the education program or activities without fear of interference or disruption and to permit the school officials, employees and activity sponsors and officials to perform their duties without interference or disruption, the following provisions are in effect:

  • Abusive, verbal or physical conduct of individuals directed at students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities or at other individuals will not be tolerated.
  • Verbal or physical conduct of individuals that interferes with the performance of students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities will not be tolerated.
  • The use of vulgar, obscene or demeaning expression directed at students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities participating in a sponsored or approved activity or at other individuals will not be tolerated.

If an individual becomes physically or verbally abusive, uses vulgar, obscene or demeaning expression, or in any way interrupts an activity, the individual may be removed from the event by the individual in charge of the event.  Law enforcement may be contacted for assistance.  

Individuals removed from school premises have the ability to follow the board’s chain of command and complaint policies should they choose to do so.  The exclusion is in effect should the individual choose to appeal the decision of the superintendent.  The term “individual” as used in the policy also includes students and employees.

If an individual has been notified of exclusion and thereafter tries to enter a school building or attends a sponsored or approved activity, the individual will be advised that his/her attendance will result in prosecution.  The school district may obtain a court order for permanent exclusion from the school building or from future school sponsored or approved activities.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 279.8, .66; 716.7.

Cross Reference:          
205      Board Member Liability
802.6   Vandalism
Nicotine/Tobacco-Free Environment

Approved: 3/13/13

Reviewed: 7/11/18

Revised: 4/24/24

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.5 Distribution of Materials

Code No. 903.5


The board recognizes that students, employees, parents or citizens may want to distribute or display materials within the school district that are non curricular. Non Curricular materials to be distributed or displayed must be approved by the building principal, Superintendent, or designee, and meet certain standards prior to their distribution. (See Distribution Guidelines and procedures). This applies to materials that are distributed at the building level.  

Grinnell-Newburg has implemented a virtual backpack for those flyers that previously were sent home to students from outside organizations that enabled our students to sign up for after school activities, participate in events, or supported our student programs.   In an effort to reduce the number of organizational flyers going home with students each week, we have incorporated a virtual backpack in which approval for the dissemination of materials must be followed. Materials from organizations who are supporting student activities and actively seeking student participation must have prior approval (see form and guidelines) before informational flyers are posted on the virtual backpack. Please submit approval request form and PDF flyer to amy.sebring@grinnell-k12.org.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the building principals to draft administrative regulations regarding this policy.

Legal Reference:    U.S. Const. amend. I.
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).
Bethel School District v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986).
New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325 (1985).
Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. Comm. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503 (1969).
Bystrom v. Fridley High School, 822 F.2d 747 (8th Cir. 1987).
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.22 (2011).

Cross References:    
502.3    Freedom of Expression
Student Conduct
Student Activities
Academic Freedom

Approved: 9/14/16

Reviewed: 4//24/24

Revised: 7/11/18
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.5E1 Procedures for Virtual Backpack: Distribution of Materials by Outside Agencies

Code No. 903.5E1


Grinnell- Newburg has implemented a "virtual backpack" program in an effort to not only reduce paper throughout the District, but also to assist the promotion of student involvement, support for student programs in the community and to increase communication to parents and students about community events.  The virtual backpack will be posted on our district website and information will be highlighted through weekly email communication to our parent community and stakeholders. Community organizations interested in posting information via the Virtual Backpack must adhere to the guidelines for posting information, and all documents are to be turned in to the district office for consideration.   The following criteria will apply to materials submitted to the District Office for posting on the Virtual Backpack that will be found on the District’s website:

  1. An organization requesting a virtual backpack posting must be promoting student activities and must be applicable for Grinnell-Newburg students.  Flyers or information will be posted on the virtual backpack that will qualify based upon the following criteria: students ability to participate in an activity or event within the community, activities that will benefit or support our student population outside of the regular school day, flyers that promote a sign up for clubs, events, or after school programs that occur outside of the school day and which the organization is based in Grinnell-Newburg community.  (Profit or non-profit as long as the program to be advertised is for current student participation)
  2. The request must be made at least 5 business days prior to posting.
  3. A copy of the exact materials to be posted, in PDF format, must be presented with the completed Flyer Approval Form.  (see attached)
  4. Organizations may turn in flyers to the local school who will then forward the information to the district office for approval.
  5. The District has the right as to the date to post or remove information.  Material will not be posted during scheduled school breaks. Information must be provided 5 days prior to posting and during hours of operation.
  6. A single organization may not submit more than two items within a three-month period. the superintendent may approve additional items submitted from an organization to meet the needs of the students at various grade levels.
  7. The material may not contain any of the following:
    1. Any direct solicitation of money or other items of value except for dues for membership or fees for an activity announced in the
    2. materials; unless sponsored by our Parent organization for the purpose of providing information regarding student events for the purpose of fundraising.
    3. Anything that would cause substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or its activities;
    4. Personal information about persons other than those seeking distribution;
    5. Material which is defamatory or insulting to any group or individual;
    6. Material which is vulgar or otherwise socially inappropriate;
    7. Material dealing with issues of human sexuality;
    8. Material which is commercial in nature (e.g. business names of sponsors), except as related to approved school fundraising activities or services supportive of school-sponsored activities;
    9. Material that would violate any law or Board policy;
    10. Material that is political in nature (e.g. names and/or titles of elected officials), or in conflict with tax-supported efforts in effect.
    11. Material is limited to two 8.5x11 pages. Materials from outside organizations that are not directly connected to the school must contain the following statement in 12-point font contained within a text box:
      1. This Activity is not sponsored by Grinnell-Newburg School District, any of its schools or groups officially associated with the District.
  8. The District reserves the right to further limit the number of requests for posting, permit exceptions to the criteria noted above, deny posting rights to individuals or organizations which have demonstrated irresponsibility, and permit limited paper copy distribution to students.
  9. Materials are posted for informational purposes only. This does not imply Grinnell-Newburg endorsement of them.
  10. Students may return enrollment forms to their home school. It is the organization's responsibility to pick up enrollment forms and communicate with local families.  The school will not be responsible for communicating further information beyond the start of the event or activity.
  11. A completed approval request form must accompany Flyer information that will be posted.
  12. The Superintendent has the right to approve or deny any Flyer or request.

Five reasons we use a "virtual backpack" program:

  • To Be Environmentally Friendly
  • To Lighten student backpacks
  • Streamline distribution of flyers
  • Communicate community opportunities for students
  • Make it easier for our parents to find information

About The Virtual Backpack:

Rather than local organizations making copies of their approved flyers, and District personnel coordinating their distribution to the schools, the flyers are posted to this designated place on our website. A small number of paper copies are made available in the District's Administration

Center for those families without Internet access. Periodic e-mail alerts are sent to the District's e-news group letting them know that new flyers have been added to the site.  

For further information, please contact the district office at: 641-236-2700 for further information.   Please note the application form must accompany the Flyer or information that will be posted on the Virtual backpack.

Approved: 9/14/16, Reviewed: 4/24/24, Revised: 7/11/18
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.5E2 Procedures for Virtual Backpack: Distribution of Materials by Outside Agencies

Code No. 903.5E2


Macintosh HD:Users:jstutz:Desktop:tiger head  (1).jpg

Grinnell-Newburg Virtual Backpack Approval Form



Contact Name:____________________________________

Organization Address:______________________________

City:_________________ State_____Zip:______________

Organization Phone:_______________________________

Contact e-mail____________________________________

Flyer information:

Flyer Title:_______________________________________

Requested Posting Dates (Limit total of three weeks)

From:____________________ to:_____________________

Grade Level:  ________________________

To Submit Flyer for posting:

  1. Ensure that both the flyer and organization are in compliance with all criteria as indicated in the administrative procedures located on our district website
  2. Download, print and complete this flyer approval form.
  3. E-mail the approval form and an exact copy of the PDF to be posted to: amber.robson@grinnell-k12.org
  4. Postings will be added Monday-Friday between 9:00 am-3:00 pm except on school holidays.  Please allow 24 hours after approval for posting. Flyers and approval forms must be submitted five days prior to scheduled request for posting.  

Grinnell-Newburg 1333 Sunset Grinnell, Iowa 50112            Office: 641-236-2700

Approved: 9/14/16, Reviewed: 4/24/24, Revised: 7/11/18

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.5R1 Distribution of Materials Regulation

Code No. 903.5R1


  1. Guidelines.

Individuals, including students, may have the right to distribute on school premises, at reasonable times and places, unofficial written material, petitions, buttons, badges or other insignia, except expression which:

  1. is obscene to minors;
  2. is libelous;
  3. contains indecent, vulgar, profane or lewd language;
  4. advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law;
  5. constitutes insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses other people (e.g., threats of violence, defamation of character or of a person's race, religion, gender, disability, age or ethnic origin);
  6. presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content or the manner of distribution, it will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities, will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school regulations.

Distribution on school premises of material in categories (1) through (6) to any student is prohibited.  

  1. Procedures.

Anyone wishing to distribute unofficial written material must first submit for approval a copy of the material to the building principal at least twenty-four hours in advance of desired distribution time, together with the following information:

  1. Name and phone number of the person submitting request and, if a student, the homeroom number;
  2. Date(s) and time(s) of day of intended display or distribution;
  3. Location where material will be displayed or distributed;
  4. The grade(s) of students to whom the display or distribution is intended.

The principal will render a decision in a timely manner whether the material violates any provisions of this regulation.  In the event that permission to distribute or display the material is denied, the person submitting the request should be informed in writing of the reasons for the denial.  Permission does not imply approval of its contents by the school, the administration, the board, or the individual reviewing the material submitted.

If the person is dissatisfied with the decision of the principal, the person may submit a written request for appeal to the superintendent.  If the person does not receive a response within three school days of submitting the appeal, the person will contact the superintendent to verify that the lack of response is not due to an inability to locate the person.  If the person has made this verification and there is no response to the appeal, the material may be distributed in accordance with the time, place and manner provisions in subsection III.

At every level of the process the person submitting the request will have the right to appear and present the reasons, supported by relevant witnesses and material, as to why distribution of the written material is appropriate.

Permission to distribute material does not imply approval of its contents by either, the school district, the board, the administration or the individual reviewing the material submitted.

  1. Time, place and manner of distribution.

The distribution of written material is prohibited when it blocks the safe flow of traffic within corridors and entrance ways of the school or otherwise disrupts school activities.  The distribution of unofficial material is limited to a reasonable time, place and manner as follows:

  1. The material will be distributed from a table set up for the purpose in a location designated by the principal, which location will not block the safe flow of traffic or block the corridors or entrance ways, but which will give reasonable access to students.
  2. The material will be distributed either before and/or after the regular instructional day.
  3. No written material may be distributed during and at the place of a normal school activity if it is reasonably likely to cause a material and substantial disruption of that activity.
  1. Definitions.

The following definitions apply to the following terms used in this policy:

  1. "Obscene to minors" is defined as:
    1. The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the written material, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest of minors of the age to whom distribution is requested;
    2. The material depicts or describes, in a manner that is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community concerning how such conduct should be presented to minors of the age to whom distribution is requested, sexual conduct such as intimate sexual acts (normal or perverted), masturbation, excretory functions, and lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
    3. The material, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors.
  2. "Minor" means any person under the age of eighteen.
  3. "Material and substantial disruption" of a normal school activity is defined as follows:
    1. Where the normal school activity is an educational program of the district for which student attendance is compulsory, "material and substantial disruption" is defined as any disruption which interferes with or impedes the implementation of that program.
    2. Where the normal school activity is voluntary in nature (including, without limitation, school athletic events, school plays and concerts, and lunch periods), "material and substantial disruption" is defined as student rioting, unlawful seizures of property, widespread shouting or boisterous demonstration, sit-in, stand-in, walk-out, or other related forms of activity.  
    3. In order for expression to be considered disruptive, there must exist specific facts upon which the likelihood of disruption can be forecasted including past experience in the school, current events influencing student activities and behavior, and instances of actual or threatened disruption relating to the written material in question.
  4. "School activities" means any activity of students sponsored by the school and includes, by way of example but not limited to, classroom work, library activities, physical education classes, official assemblies and other similar gatherings, school athletic contests, band concerts, school plays and in-school lunch periods.
  5. "Unofficial" written material includes all written material except school newspapers, literary magazines, yearbooks, and other publications funded and/or sponsored or authorized by the school.  Examples include leaflets, brochures, flyers, petitions, placards and underground newspapers, whether written by students or others.
  6. "Libelous" is a false and unprivileged statement about a specific individual that tends to harm the individual's reputation or to lower him/her in the esteem of the community.
  7. "Distribution" means circulation or dissemination of written material by means of handing out free copies, selling or offering copies for sale and accepting donations for copies.  It includes displaying written material in areas of the school which are generally frequented by students.
  1. Disciplinary action.

Distribution by any student of unofficial written material prohibited in subsection I or in violation of subsection III may be halted, and students may be subject to discipline including suspension and expulsion.  Any other party violating this policy may be requested to leave the school property immediately and, if necessary, local law enforcement officials will be called.

  1. Notice of policy to students.

A copy of this policy will be published in student handbooks and posted conspicuously in school buildings.

Additional language to be included Administrative procedures


Approved: 9/14/16

Reviewed: 7/11/18

Revised: 4/24/24

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

903.6 Naming of School District Facilities and Other Ways to Honor Individuals

Code No.903.6


The Board recognizes the significance names given to District facilities can have to the community, its traditions and values.  The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework to guide the decisions about the naming of District facilities. It is also designed to set helpful guidelines to honor individuals who have made great contributions to the District or to society.


Upon notice from the Board that naming or renaming of a District facility is being considered, the Superintendent shall appoint a committee of five (5) to ten (10) individuals.  The Committee shall consist of District employees, parents, students and community representatives to fairly represent the demographic composition of the community. The Superintendent and a Board member shall also serve as non-voting chairpersons of the committee.

The Committee shall develop a process for soliciting recommendations for the naming or renaming of a District facility and then reduce the number of proposed names to a manageable list.  Names selected for the manageable list and further consideration must conform to the criteria outlined in this policy; including but not limited to Section C below.

After evaluating the manageable list, the Committee shall vote on the final name for recommendation.  The final name shall be decided by a majority vote of the Committee and shall be rendered in writing and/or formally presented to the Board at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.


The Board is responsible for the naming of District facilities and reserves the right of final approval for the name of any and all facilities.  The Board reserves the right to withdraw and/or remove a District facility name. Consideration the Board may take in withdrawing and/or removing a District facility name include, but is not limited to, (1) a period of more than twenty (20) years has passed since the death of the honoree, or (2) information is revealed concerning the facility name which may cause the name to be inappropriate for District buildings or grounds.

If the naming of a District facility is a condition of a gift to the District and the Board believes that the size of the gift warrants such action, the Board may waive any and/or all requirements of this policy and approve the name as designated by the donor.  Dedication of a particular facility does not guarantee that the dedicated name will exist in perpetuity.


Names selected for the manageable list, as specified in Section A above, and for further consideration must conform to at least one of the following three criteria:

  1. Geographic Location or Section of the District – A facility may be named after a geographic location and/or section of the District it serves.
  2. Individuals – Names of individuals who have made a significant contribution to the field of education, community, county, state or nation.
    1. Monetary Donation – For a non-employee or non-graduate, to be considered for naming rights, the financial contribution needs to be of great significance.  For a special part of a building, or a room, the minimum contribution is $500,000. For a complete addition of several rooms or a large space (auditorium/gymnasium/ cafeteria/library) the minimum contribution is $1,000,000.
    2. For a graduate or former employee, the amount shall be equal to or surpass at least fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the above amount in 3(A).  Such percentage may be reduced further upon approval of a 2/3 vote of the Board.


Besides naming a District facility, the District and/or individual may wish to remember organizations, individuals and/or those who have made contributions in the District, community, state or nation.  A Hall of Fame will be constructed and maintained near, or within the public access to, the high school gymnasium and auditorium recognizing such individuals.

An individual wishing to recognize an organization/individual may make such request in writing and/or formally present such request to the Board at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.  The Board may approve appropriate recognition/memorial plaques it deems appropriate by a majority vote of the Board.

Approved: 03-13-2013

Reviewed: 04-24-2024

Revised: 05-08-2013

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

904.1 Transporting Student in Private Vehicles

Code No.  904.1


Generally, transporting students for school purposes is done in a vehicle owned by the school district and driven by a school bus driver.  Students may be transported in private vehicles for school purposes.  It is within the discretion of the superintendent to determine when this is appropriate.

Individuals transporting students for school purposes in private vehicles must have the permission of the superintendent and meet all applicable requirements set by the district.  Prior to transporting students in private vehicles, the district may require the following: 

  • The vehicle used to transport the student(s)is in good condition and meets all applicable safety requirements; 
  • The driver transporting the student(s) possesses a valid drivers’ license; 
  • Proof of insurance has been supplied to the superintendent and the insurance satisfies the minimum coverage requirements for driving personal vehicles in the State of Iowa ; and 
  • The parents of the students to be transported have given written permission to the superintendent.  

The school district assumes no responsibility for those students who have not received the approval of the superintendent and who ride in private vehicles for school purposes. If transportation is not provided by the school district, or if transportation provided by the school district is declined by the student or parent/guardian, then the responsibility and corresponding liability for transportation for school purposes shall rest solely with the student and parent/guardian. 

This policy statement applies to transportation of students for school purposes in addition to transporting students to and from their designated attendance center. The superintendent may develop an administrative process to implement this policy.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 285; 321 (2011).
281 I.A.C. 43.

Cross Reference:          
401.7   Employee Travel Compensation

Approved: 03-13-13

Reviewed:0 7-11-18

Revised: 04-24-24

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

904.2 Advertising and Promotion

Code No.  904.2


For the purposes of this policy, advertising is defined as the public promotion of something such as a product, service, business, or event in order to attract or increase interest in it. It is usually thought of as one-way, paid communication to the masses. Certain advertising activities are considered appropriate if they are approved by the building administrator and have student education as their goal. Such activities include, but are not limited to, the provision of instructional aids or visuals, sponsorship of activities, and announcements by non-profit organizations of activities of potential interest to students. Building administrators may refer potential advertising to the superintendent for approval, who may also request a decision by the Board. The district intends to cooperate with businesses and organizations. At the same time, it is not the District’s purpose to allow excessive commercialism, the exploitation of students, parents, and staff, by private interests, or the distribution of all information presented by well-meaning groups.

The district athletic facilities at the high school may be used for advertising in a controlled manner and with approval of the building administration and the superintendent for the purpose of generating funds.

The district has sole and final authority to approve or deny the content and visual appearance of any advertisement and none will be displayed without prior approval.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code § 279.8 (2011).

Cross Reference:          
504.5   Student Fund Raising
Community Activities Involving Students

Approved: 03-13-13, Reviewed: 04-24-24, Revised: 7-11-18
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

904.3 Solicitation by or of Students

Code No. 904.3


There shall be no solicitations on school property by or of students for any non-school organization.  Other types of solicitations by or of students for school-specific events may take place only with the prior approval of the building principal and superintendent of schools.

Cross reference:           
504.5     Student Fund Raising
Advertising and Promotion
Distribution of Materials
903.5R1 Distribution of Materials regulation

Approved: 03-13-13, Reviewed: 04-24-24, Revised: 05-08-13
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

905.1 Community Use of School DistrictFacilities and Equipment

Code No.  905.1


School district facilities and equipment will be made available to local nonprofit entities which promote cultural, educational, civic, community, or recreational activities.  "Entity(ies)" will include organizations, groups and individuals and their agents. Such use will be permitted only when the use does not interfere with or disrupt the education program or a school-related activity, the use is consistent with state law, and will end no later than midnight.  It is within the discretion of the board to allow for-profit entities to use school district facilities and equipment.

Entities that wish to use school district facilities or equipment must apply at any attendance center.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent or designee (activities department) to determine whether the school district facility or equipment requested is available and whether the application for use meets board policy and administrative regulations.  It is the responsibility of the board secretary or designee to provide application forms, obtain proof of insurance, and draw up the contract for use of school district facilities and equipment.

Use of school district facilities and equipment by entities will be supervised by a school district employee unless special prior arrangements are made with the building principal or designee.  The school district employee will not accept a fee from the entity using school district facilities and equipment. If appropriate, the school district employee may be paid by the school district.

Entities that use school district buildings, or equipment, or sites must leave the building or site in the same condition it was in prior to its use.  Inappropriate use of school district facilities and equipment may result in additional fees charged to, or the inability of, the entity to use school district facilities or equipment in the future.

The school district reserves the right to charge all costs, including attorney fees, that may arise to the entity for the entity’s failure to comply with the law or school district policy and its supporting administrative regulations.

The board may allow entities, such as the Boy and Girl Scouts and 4-H, to use the school district facilities and equipment without charge.  While such entities may use the facilities and equipment without charge, they may be required to pay a custodial fee.

It is the responsibility of the board secretary or designee to develop a fee schedule for the board's approval and to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.

Legal Reference:          
Iowa Code §§ 8D; 276; 278.1(4); 279.8; 297.9-.11 (2007).
1982 Op. Att'y Gen. 561.
1940 Op. Att'y Gen. 232.
1936 Op. Att'y Gen. 196.

Cross Reference:          
704      Revenue

Approved: 03-13-13, Reviewed: 07-11-18, Revised: 04-24-24
Grinnell-Newburg School District, Grinnell, IA

905.1R1 Facility Use Guidelines and Rental Fees Schedule

Code No. 905.1R1


The Grinnell-Newburg Schools are owned, maintained, and supported by the public.  The Board of Education actively seeks to respond to the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community through the total resources of the community schools.  However, all school facilities and outdoor areas have been primarily erected and maintained for the use of the students of Grinnell-Newburg Schools and shall not be used for another purpose that will conflict with the primary use.  Any activity connected with approved school programs will take precedence over any request for use of the facilities for any other purpose. Please read the following facility rental guidelines and Grinnell-Newburg School Board Policy before completing a facility request.

Categories of Users (In Priority Order):

Class A:  School District and District Organizations

  1. Regular classroom activities
  2. School Activities for students (e.g. clubs, athletics)
  3. School Activities for parents (e.g. plays, open houses)
  4. School related groups and organizations (e.g. PTO, Booster Club)
  5. District sponsored activities for district staff (e.g. trainings, wellness)
  6. Board approved community activities (e.g. Galaxy, Community Meal)

Class B:  Public Agencies and District Co-Sponsored Activities

  1. Community, social, civic, or service organizations sponsoring money-making activities with proceeds directly benefiting the schools
  2. Grinnell city government units or committees
  3. Request for National, State and Local elections or caucuses

Class C:  Community Youth Organizations/Teams and Community Non-Profit and Civil Organizations

  1. Community, social, civic, or service organizations for purposes that have educational, recreational, or cultural purposes and value to the community
  2. Meetings and practice sessions for district residents belonging to non-profit, chartered youth groups, or organizations sponsoring youth activities during their regular program season or year.
  3. Such groups may include the following:  AAU, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, Little League, Girls Softball Association, FCA, Church Youth Groups, community singing groups, etc.
  4. A non-profit group is defined as an organization that does not distribute its surplus funds to owners, members, or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue its organization’s goals.  The district reserves the right to ask for a 501c non-profit form if the organization’s non-profit status is in question.
  5. This could include but not be limited to community, social, civic, or services organizations for purposes that have educational, recreational, or cultural purposes, local church services, religious classes and activities, and business concerns located within and paying property taxes to the Grinnell-Newburg School District for activities not conducted for profit.
  6. This category is for individual teams, packs, or groups.  It is not for the use of an entire organization.
  7. Outdoor leagues will not be provided indoor space for practices.

Class D:  For-Profit Organizations and Other Private Interest Groups

  1. Businesses or individuals that want to use the buildings/grounds for activities conducted for profit.
  2. State or National Organizations hosting workshops and/or conference for membership.
  3. Other non-community groups
  4. Other Special Events
  5. Note that the school district facilities will not be available for individual private interest events such as birthdays, family reunions, weddings, graduation parties, etc.

In cases where the user category is in question, final determination will be made by the Superintendent.

Scheduling of Facilities:

  • School facilities are not normally available for rent on school designated holidays and over school breaks.  The superintendent or designee may allow use at these times if such use does not interfere with facility maintenance/cleaning schedules and contingent upon availability of adequate personnel.
  • Rental of facilities is for occasional or temporary use, but not regular or ongoing use.
  • No overnight stays will be permitted in district facilities.
  • Facility rental times cannot be requested past 11:00 p.m.  
  • When school is cancelled or dismissed early for weather related or other reasons, all rentals will be cancelled.  The school district also reserves the right to cancel weekend rental activities when the conditions are deemed unsafe.
  • The District reserves the right to deny any facility rental requests for any reason.
  • A cancellation after the facility or equipment is made ready for the entity will be charged a minimum cancellation fee or the costs incurred to the school district in anticipation of the entity’s use, whichever is greater.
  • The following district areas are not available for Class C and Class D groups:
  1. School Kitchens (only exception is the Community Meal)
  2. Computer Labs
  3. Science Labs
  4. Family Consumer Science Labs
  5. Industrial Tech Labs
  6. Administrative Areas
  7. Weight Room(s)
  8. Cardio Room(s)
  9. Others areas deemed by district administration

Rental Process:

  1. External group facility requests must be made at least two weeks in advance of the requested date(s).
  2. Facility requests are to be initiated with the Activities Director (for high school and middle school buildings) or building administrator (for elementary buildings). Before the facility request is approved, the administrator will verify with the Buildings and Grounds Department and/or other departments that appropriate personnel are available to work the requested date(s).
  3. Renters are required to complete and provide the following information:
    1. Facility Request Form
    2. Facility Rental Agreement Form contract signed by both parties
    3. Proof of insurance: A minimum $1,000,000 liability policy is required.
  4. The District Activities Director will determine the appropriate rental charges for the use of the facilities based on classification, activity, personnel costs, equipment, fee schedule, and deposits.  When necessary, additional fees may include such things as cleaning fees, failure to cancel reservation, replacement or repair for damage or theft, or other costs. All or a percentage of the estimated usage and personnel fees for a group’s activity may be required to be paid prior to the usage.
  5. Copies of the completed facility request form and facility agreement form will then be forwarded to the accounts receivable department in the district’s central office.   
  6. On the date(s) of the event, access to the district facilities will be granted through either a designated staff member or a district-issued key access card.  A $10 deposit is required for district-issued key access cards.
  7. Upon completion of the rental event the Activities Director shall invoice the renter.  Copies of the billing invoice will also be sent to the accounts receivable department in the district’s central office.

Regulations Concerning the Use of School Facilities:

  1. The group representative must be an adult and present during the time the facilities are being used.
  2. A school district employee must be present while the school district facility and/or equipment is being used by an outside entity.
  3. The group’s representative will be responsible for the following regulations for facility usage by his/her group:
    1. Group representative will be the first inside the facility and the last to leave; making sure the facility is left in the same condition as it was before entering.
    2. The facility must be used only for the purpose that was originally intended and set forth on the facility request form.
    3. Group representative is responsible for reporting any personal injuries received by any group member while using the district facilities.  The representative should contact the District’s Central Office at (641)236-2700 to report any injuries.
    4. Group representative is responsible for reporting any damage or theft to the building or equipment following the same guidelines.  Custodians/supervisors on duty should also be notified.
  4. The group representative should make a preliminary-use check of the facility prior to their use.  If anything that will be used is already damaged, contact the custodian/supervisor on duty.
  5. All equipment used or moved must be returned to the proper place in original condition.
  6. The renter assumes financial responsibility individually on behalf of the organization being represented for any part of the school or contents made available therein that may be damaged or stolen during the hours the building was in use by the organization.
  7. The renter shall be liable for any and all loss, damage, or injury sustained by any person that by reason of the negligence of the renter.  The renter shall indemnify and hold harmless the school district from any and all loss, damage, or injury.
  8. Food and beverages are permitted in designated areas only.
  9. The use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs in any form shall be prohibited from all school grounds.
  10. All school buildings, grounds, and vehicles of the district are tobacco free.  Persons failing to abide will be asked to leave the school premises.
  11. Specific Room Regulations shall be as follows:
    1. Auditoriums- Groups requesting use of an auditorium will need to list in detail their equipment requests and audio/visual technicians needed.  Only district staff may operate the audio/visual equipment in the auditorium.  Renters will be charged accordingly for equipment and personnel use.  Maximum number of people is restricted to the seating capacity indicated appropriate by the Fire Marshall.  No food or beverages are allowed in the auditoriums.
    2. Multipurpose Rooms/Gymnasiums- No wearing of shoes that mark up the floors.  No hanging on basketball rims. No climbing or playing on bleachers (if bleachers are needed the custodians will move them in and out). No pushing/pulling of tables, chairs, or other equipment across gym floors.  Nothing may be taped to the gym floor without prior approval. No playing on gymnastic equipment when its in the gym. Scoreboards may not be used unless previously approved.
    3. Media Centers/Classrooms- Materials are not to be used or removed from the rooms.  Users are expected to leave the rooms in the same condition as they found it.
    4. Outside Areas- Groups are expected to clean up all trash, papers, or other litter in the fields or surrounding areas.  Failure to provide appropriate clean-up will result in additional charges to the renter. Use of tents, temporary structures, or signage where stakes are driven into the ground must be pre-approved.  The District reserves the right to cancel any event in order to prevent damage to athletic fields or other district property. Water and electricity may not be available from district sources unless special arrangements are made.

Approved: 03-13-13, Reviewed: 04-24-24, Revised: 7-11-18

Grinnell-Newburg School District, Grinnell, IA

905.2 Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment

Code No.  905.2


School district facilities and grounds, including school vehicles, are off limits for tobacco use, including vaping the use of look-a-likes where the original would include tobacco or nicotine (including, but not limited to products such as dissolvable, spit less, snus, chewing, and electronic cigarettes).  This requirement extends to students, employees and visitors.  This policy applies at all times, including school-sponsored and nonschool-sponsored events.  Persons failing to abide by this request are required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the tobacco, nicotine or other product or leave the school district premises immediately.  It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.

NOTE: According to Iowa law, all school grounds are smoke free. Boards have the authority to expand the policy to make the school facilities and grounds tobacco or nicotine free as well.

Legal Reference:          
Goals 2000:  Educate America Act, Pub. L. No. 103-227, 108 Stat. 125 (1994).
House File 2212, Iowa General Assembly (2008)          
Iowa Code §§ 142B; 279.8, .9; 297 (2013).

Cross Reference:          
903.4   Public Conduct on School Premises
905.1   Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment

Approved:  4-27-16

Reviewed: 7-11-18

Revised: 4-24-24
Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, Iowa

905.3 Weapons in the School District

Code No. 905.3


The board believes weapons, other dangerous objects and look-a-likes in school district facilities and at school district-approved events cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees and visitors on the school district premises or property within the jurisdiction of the school district.

All weapons, dangerous objects and look-a-likes are prohibited to be carried, possessed, transported or otherwise stored on school district property and to school district-approved events.  Exceptions to this policy include weapons carried by the following individuals in performance of their official duties: 

  • law enforcement; 
  • military personnel;
  • corrections officers;
  • individuals approved in writing by the Superintendent, and;
  • students and individuals approved in writing by the Superintendent who are actively engaging in a school district approved firearms safety course, hunter education course or shooting sports activity.

Individuals found to be in violation of this district policy will be required to immediately remove the weapon, dangerous object or look-a-likes from the school district property or event.  Students found to be in violation of this policy or any other board policies related to weapons will be subject to disciplinary proceedings. 

Legal Reference: 18 U.S.C. § 921 
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.21B; 483A.27(11), 724 
281 I.A.C. 12.3(6)

Approved: 4-24-24, Reviewed:  , Revised:

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, IA

906 Unmanned Aircrafts


The following policy applies to the extent not preempted by federal or state regulatory jurisdiction regarding unmanned aircrafts. For purposes of this policy, the term ''unmanned aircraft" means an aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft.

The Grinnell-Newburg Community School District believes in maintaining the safety, security, and privacy of students, employees, and visitors. In keeping with this belief, the use or possession of unmanned aircrafts is prohibited on district property or in the space above the property that reasonably can be considered part of the district property.

The superintendent may make an exception to this policy in specific cases where the circumstances warrant such exception. In such situations and prior to approval, unmanned aircraft operators shall:

  • Supply proof of insurance meeting liability limits established by the district;
  • Present appropriate registration and authorization issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA);
  • Sign an agreement holding the district harmless from any claims of harm to individuals or damage to property; and
  • Meet additional requirements as determined appropriate by the district.

If the unmanned aircrafts are operated as part of the district curriculum, prior to adoption into the curriculum, district employees shall work with district administration to ensure the appropriate insurance, registration, and authorizations are in place.

Unmanned aircrafts shall be operated in accordance with Iowa High School Athletic Association and Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union policy.

Failure to abide by this policy may result in local, state, and federal penalties if applicable.


NOTE: The use of unmanned aircrafts is an unsettled area of the law. There is overlap with federal and state regulations and as such, there is the potential for challenge associated with the enforcement of the policy. Districts should, as with the adoption of any new policy, work with the district's legal counsel to determine whether, when, and to what extent a policy on unmanned aircraft should be adopted at the local level.

NOTE: Districts who wish to approve the use of drones on school property, as part of the curriculum or for other purposes, should consult with the district's insurance carrier prior to approval and operation. Most general liability policies have an exclusion for aircraft liability and the district would likely need additional liability coverage for the operation of drones. If you are a member of the IASB Safety Group, effective July 1, 2016, your policy with EMC automatically includes liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage caused by drones. However, coverage is not currently available for claims related to violation of privacy.

NOTE: Districts should be aware of the FAA unmanned aircraft safety guidelines, which include guidelines such as flying below 400 feet and not flying within 5 miles of an airport unless the airport and control tower have been contacted prior to flying. For a complete list of the guidelines, please visit the "Model Aircraft Operations" section of the FAA website, located at http://www.faa.gov/uas/model_aircraft/.


Legal Reference:

FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, P.L. 112-95, Title III, Subtitle B.

Model Aircraft Operating Standards, FFA AC No. 91-57A (Sept. 2, 2015).

Office of Chief Counsel, Fed. Aviation Admin., State and Local Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Fact Sheet (Dec. 17, 2015).

Iowa Code § 279.8.

IHSAA Drone Policy


Approved: 7-11-18

Reviewed: 4-24-24


Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, IA

907 District Operation During Public Emergencies

Code No. 907


The district believes that student learning is the heart of its core mission.  While traditional in-person teaching continues to provide the greatest learning opportunity to all students, there may be rare and unusual circumstances that prevent the school community from convening in traditional in-person settings.  At times of a public emergency declared by federal, state or local officials, the district will seek guidance and recommendations from federal, state and local agencies to assist in determining the safety of convening traditional in-person learning.  

During a declared public emergency, the school board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to determin whether to close school buildings to traditional in-person learning if the Superintendent determines in-person learning would hinder the health and safety of the school community. The district will instead utilize remote or hybrid learning opportunities permidtted by law. 

Following guidance and recommendations from federal, state, and local agencies when reasonably possible, the administration will create regulations related to district operations during a public emergency, including, but not limited to, student, employee and visitor safety and security; the use and safeguarding of district property; public meetings and events, and when applicable, measures to prevent or slow the spread of infectious disease.

These measures will be enforced for the period of time of the public emergency, or until the School board and superintendent, in consultation with federal, state and local agencies determine it is appropriate for the safety measures to end.

Legal Reference: Senate File 2310
Iowa Code ch. 279.8

Cross References:

403.3     Communicable Diseases - Employees

403.3R1  Communicable Diseases - Employees - Regulation

403.3E1  Comminicable Diseases - Employees- Hepatitis B Vaccine Information and Record

Approved: 4-24-24, Reviewd:  , Revised:  

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, IA

907R1 District Operation During Public Emergencies - Regulation



During a public health emergency, the district will seek guidance and recommendations from federal, state and local agencies that monitor and respond to the emergency.  The district will follow any mandatory closures or other mandatory measures imposed by such agencies.  

The superintendent, in conjunction with relevant government agencies and/or athletic and activity associations, will determine under what circumstances the district will restrict or cancel in-person learning, student events or activities including sporting events, extracurricular clubs or meetings for students, and the use of district facilities by outside organizations.  

The district will promote and follow other recommended measures and guidance from federal, state and local agencies to the extent reasonably practicable under the circumstances.  These measures may include, but are not  limited to the following:

On-line learning, hybrid models of learning, or modified in-person learning may occur dependent on the circumstances and in accordance with applicable law. 

Approved: 4-24-24, Reviewed:  , Revised:

Grinnell-Newburg Community School District, Grinnell, IA