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104E2 Anti-Bullying/Harassment Witness Disclosue Form

Code No. 104E2


Name of witness: _________________________________________________________________

Date of nterview: _________________________________

Date of initial complaint: ____________________________________

Name of Complainant (include whether the coomplaintant is a student or employee):


Date and place of alleged incident(s): _____________________________________________________


Nature of discrimination, harassment, or bullying alleged (check all that apply):

  Age   Physical Attribute   Sex
  Disability   Physical/Mental Ability   Sexual Orientation
  Familial Status   Political Belief   Socio-Economic Background
  Gender Identity   Politial Party Preference   Other-Please Specify:
  Marital Status   Race/Color    
  National Origin/Ethinic Background/Ancestry   Religion/Creed    

Description of incident witnessed: ____________________________________________________





Any other information: _____________________________________________________________





I agree that all of the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Approved:  02/26/14
Revised: 5/15/24